
Wine Luthier provides valuable information and answers needed to make strategic decisions. An effective method to personalise the wine consumer experience.


The main challenge for a distributor is to build customer loyalty and improve margins. Here are some examples of the solutions we offer with Wine Luthier’s technology.

How do we really know that the wine we receive is the same as the wine ordered?

By mapping the wines, finding their numerical coordinates in the WPS and comparing it with the original wine or another vintage, you can determine if there is a real perceptible difference in taste. We provide a numerical report with the exact percentage of differences and the degree to which they are noticeable.

How do we know which wines to stock for each demographic and region?

Wine Luthier offers a multitude of business analysis capabilities, from inventory management to purchasing, and from recognising new trends to understanding demographics. Detect the needs and opportunities of your market and store accordingly.

Online retailers

The main challenge of an online retailer is to improve your customer’s shopping experience by building customer loyalty. Here are some examples of the solutions we offer with Wine Luthier’s technology.

How do we know the true taste preferences of our customers?

The main problem for online distributors is that the customer is very volatile with so much choice on the market. The challenge is to get the right wine profile for the consumer and to accurately recommend similar wines that will be liked. Our WPS offers an objective and accurate method to recommend wines to customers according to their true individual taste preferences. We also provide detailed information including which wines are similar, the exact percentage difference between two wines and where the average consumer is likely to perceive this difference.

How do we really know that the wine we receive is the same as the wine ordered?

By mapping the wines, finding their numerical coordinates in the WPS and comparing it with the original wine or another vintage, you can determine if there is a real perceptible difference in taste. We provide a numerical report with the exact percentage of differences and the degree to which they are noticeable.

How do we know which wines to stock for each demographic and region?

Wine Luthier offers a multitude of business analysis capabilities, from inventory management to purchasing, and from recognising new trends to understanding demographics. Detect the needs and opportunities of your market and store accordingly.


The main challenge for a producer is to know the trends and maintain a constant quality in each batch. Here are some examples of the solutions we offer with Wine Luthier’s technology.

How to profile your wines in the category requested in the tender and create the winning wine?

Wine Luthier enables wineries to accurately analyse the needs of buyers to create new wine brands accordingly, allowing them to gain trends and successfully enter new markets.

How do I know if my wine will appeal to my regular and target customers?

The taste of the wine to be bottled is compared with the taste of the target wine (a previous vintage, a previous batch, a reference with which it shares a market) determining the exact difference between the two tastes and, if desired, the way to make the difference imperceptible to a consumer.

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